Country: Portugal

The thickness of cork oak trees varies highly, even when they are located in the same geographical location or stand. The objective was to research
Wild Nuts & Berries
The forest area of stone pine, Pinus pinea, has increased significantly in Portugal in the last 30 years, following the same trend of other Mediterranean
Wild Nuts & Berries
The Dryocosmus kuriphilus insect, chestnut gall wasp, introduced in Portugal in 2014, represents a serious threat to the national production of chestnuts. Over the years,
Evaluate the influence of tree size, stand characteristics, debarking coefficients and climatic variables on cork thickness and its evolution between consecutive cork extraction operations, i.e.
Wild Nuts & Berries
There are several requirements and experiences for a successfull graft, that are reviewed in the following from a practical point of view. In coastal regions like
Wild Nuts & Berries
Rational fertilization can improve tree health, growth and potentially benefit pine cone and pine nut production. The reduction of forest exploitation costs without neglecting environmental
Cork, Wild Nuts & Berries
Silvo-pastoral systems are quite common in the Alentejo region of south Portugal. Bringing together economic profitability and ecological sustainability is challenging and requires a conscientiousmanagement. We
Reducing the amount of damages in the cork oak forest is very important in terms of the sustainability of this ecosystem. Although some of the
Wild Nuts & Berries
Allometric models establish relationships between tree morphological parameters and the respective biomass in its various components, allowing to make forest carbon estimates. In this sense,
The formation pruning is an operation usually defined in forest management plans established for cork oak stands plantations. It aims at removing tree branches, usually
The humidity of cork has always been a parameter considered in its commercialization, and is usually expressed as a percentage discount on the total cork
Wild Nuts & Berries
This factsheet aims to highlight the interannual variation of the pine cone dimensions and present some factors that explain it, in order to contribute for