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The thickness of cork oak trees varies highly, even when they are located in the same geographical location or stand. The objective was to research
Wild Nuts & Berries
In addition to their traditional local use in human and animal food, the fruits of the carob tree have a high commercial value in industrial transformation.
Evaluate the influence of tree size, stand characteristics, debarking coefficients and climatic variables on cork thickness and its evolution between consecutive cork extraction operations, i.e.
Cork, Wild Nuts & Berries
Solve the problem of the fragility of oak acorns used for reforestation and animal feed by improving the process of their conservation for a period
The study aimed at assessing the value and trade-offs of a number of ecosystem services associated to cork oak woodland management under different sylvicultural options
This project studied in the Pyrénées-Orientales region for cork waste and the setting up of a short supply chain (building, garden centre, etc.) in order
Wild Nuts & Berries
The carob tree cultivation is handicapped by the poor quality of the seedlings leaving the nursery due to the deterioration of the root system, and
Wild Nuts & Berries
Eurocastanea is the consultation and representation body for professionals in the chestnut sector in the countries of the European Union, and in the European and
The cork oak forest suffers from serious problems of natural regeneration following anthropic action and overgrazing. As a result, we are witnessing continuous aging and
The minimum interval between 2 successive cork extractions from the same tree is fixed by law as 9 years in Portugal. Postponing cork extraction to
Wild Nuts & Berries
Some experiments conducted at the Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology of Catalonia (IRTA), aimed at evaluating the productive capacity of Stone pine clones from
Wild Nuts & Berries
The main objective of Biocastanea is the sustainability of chestnut orchards as a natural, cultural, economic and landscape element, through the transfer of technical and