Position In The Value Chain: Training and support decision tools

The objective of this study is to establish a vigilance map to identify the areas where cork oak is adapted or inadapted to the forest
Wild Nuts & Berries
The main objective of Biocastanea is the sustainability of chestnut orchards as a natural, cultural, economic and landscape element, through the transfer of technical and
Defining a simple and reliable methodology for the quantitative evaluation of stacked cork at cork parks that will serve as a mean of controlling the
Wild Nuts & Berries
This work aims the improvement of lentisk oil extraction in order to enable rural women to improve their working conditions and their incomes through the
The Decree-Law nº 181/2015, defines the legal regime for the resin activity and circulation of pine resin in Continental Portugal. The regime requires prior notification
The ResinApp provides the natural resin sector with a tailored tool that allows the traceability of natural resin from the forest to the factory, endowing
The main objective of the present investigation is to explore the knowledge and the best practices of resin extraction technics in rural areas and marginal
Wild Mushrooms & Truffles
Greece was until recently considered as a country where mushroom consumption was limited to few species per region. Mushroom were for most Greeks an occasional
Aromatic & Medicinal Plants
The objective of the project PLANT WILD-Forest Plant Wild Harvesting Learning in Europe(2011-2013) was to promote the employment opportunities in rural and mountainous areas and
Aromatic & Medicinal Plants
Eucalyptus is an enormous and fascinating genus with over 700 species. Most of Eucalyptus species are known as aromatic plants and with medicinal and melliferous
Aromatic & Medicinal Plants
Medicinal sage is an native plant species of Dalmatia spread throughout the Mediterranean. In the Republic of Croatia along the entire coast, as well as
Aromatic & Medicinal Plants
Under this framework, the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, UOI, developed a web database of medicinal plants of the region of Epirus and the mainland